Phone : (0657) 2317239, 2317234, 2317032 |  Fax : (0657) 2321234 |


(Affiliated to Council of the ISC Examination, New Delhi)

(School Regn. No. - JH078)


Welcome to Sri Krishna Public School

  Sri Krishna Public School is a co-educational English Medium school managed by the Srikrishna Public School Managing Committee and sponsored by Dr. Srikrishna Sinha Sansthan, a regd. society at Jamshedpur. The basic Philosophy and the ideas of Dr. Srikrishna Sinha, the first Chief Minister of Bihar, of which Jharkhand was a part, form the guidelines of this institution. Dr. Sinha wanted all-round development of this area through an ideal and sound system of education, which was to be developed based on modern science and technology. Himself a great scholar, he wanted his state to lead the other states of India in the matter of education. To him education was the light to dispel the darkness of poverty and illiteracy. The School will make all efforts to mould and cast children in the framework of the above ideas cherished by him. The education imparted here would primarily aim at the full and proper development of the child’s character and personality. Dr. Sinha’s object of education was to prepare sincere and dedicated leaders to run the democratic institution properly and preserve their fabric for the future. The student in this school will be trained not only to achieve the ideas of socialism, secularism and democracy which were very dear to Dr. Sinha, but also to imbibe the sprit of dedication and service to the country. Creation of equity of life, full of justice and love for all would be the motto of this school.

Our Vision

  To mould a caring, confident, creative, gracious and morally upright individual who will make positive contributions to the society, by imparting futuristic education with highest standards of excellence and high pattern of discipline to serve the Nation.

Our Mission

  Creation of a pioneering learning environment that will nurture, stimulate and challenge adolescent minds in preparation for the future through the development of essential life and academic skills.

Our Goals

  • Building a solid foundation of knowledge.
  • Pursuing excellence and self-discipline.
  • Providing students with expanded opportunities for academic and social growth.
  • Making students aware of and utilize basic and advanced forms of technology that may enhance their learning productivity.
  • Creation of opportunities for the students, the teachers, the parents and the staff to develop a safe environment conducive for success.

Our Values

  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Creativity